

Liposuction is a popular surgical procedure for removing extra fat from specific areas of body, particularly the abdomen, buttocks, thighs, arms, face, neck, flanks and chest. The procedure helps remove the accumulated fat from these areas & gives a more defined & appealing shape to the figure. With the introduction of various refinements in the procedure of this surgery, excellent outcome in terms of final results & overall recovery time have significantly improved.

The accumulated fat which takes months to get removed with conservative methods can be removed in a sitting for the people who want to shed the extra fat in a short span of time due to reasons like marriage, job demands or busy schedules, making it difficult to follow long durations of exercises & proper dietary control.

Having said that it must be emphasized that liposuction is not a substitute for correct dietary habits and regular exercise schedules. These have their own role in controlling & maintaining the weight loss achieved after liposuction.

The Best Candidates for Liposuction

There are broadly three main categories of people who wish to undergo this surgery.

Category – I :

These are the ones with nearly normal weight. Contrary to common perception these are the ideal candidates for liposuction.

They are:

  • Both men and women of normal weight who mainly want to enhance their body shape and contours.
  • People with fat deposits on the so called "trouble areas", where exercise and diet does not seem to have any effect- like the love handles, abdomen, hips, arms.
  • People with firm elastic skin, so that when the fat is removed, a smooth appearance over skin is achieved. These people have generally near permanent results.

Category-II : Moderately overweight

These are people 20-50 percent above their ideal body weight, with fat everywhere but relatively in excess over specific body parts like abdomen, hips etc. These areas undergo liposuction to bring harmony with rest of the body. People finding it difficult to get back in shape with diet and exercise or willing to get slim in short duration for specific occasions are the preferred candidates.

Category-III : Grossly obese

People 50 percent above their ideal body weight are generally not good candidates for liposuction. These people have bulges everywhere and sometimes they suffer from obesity related conditions like high blood pressure, diabetes, and hypercholesterolemia. They want liposuction for weight reduction. This group does not benefit from liposuction even though performing the procedure is possible.

Safety : Liposuction is not meant for losing weight from overall body. Expecting to lose more then 6-7 Kgs of weight by liposuction can be risky.


Poor, because limited amount of fat that can be removed in one sitting will not give satisfactory look. Unless they change their lifestyle drastically, the fat will come back.

People wishing to undergo this surgery should be realistic with their expectations as this procedure can only enhance/shape your body contours & increase your confidence levels. It does not change your appearance altogether. It is advised that people with significant medical/heart problems should avoid this procedure as they are relatively unfit from anaesthesia point of view.

Brief Outlook of the Surgery

» Anaesthesia : Usually general Anaesthesia is preferred for optimal comfort.
» Surgical Duration : 1-4 hours (depending on the fat removal)
» Hospitalization Time : Discharge on the same day/next day
» Stitches : Usually none
» Recovery Time : Recovery depends on the amount of fat removed and from which area. Normal daily household walking can be done with normal eating on the same day of surgery. Normal house hold work can be carried out from 2nd day onwards and joining of office work can be done from fourth day onwards.
» The Surgery : Areas of fat deposits are marked. After giving anaesthesia, a few 3-4 mm size cuts are made around the area and tumescent fluid is injected into the fat through the holes. Later with hollow metal cannulas (tubes) with holes near the tip are passed through the same holes into the fat (between the skin and the muscle). The cannulas are attached to a liposuction vacuum machine through a plastic tube. Due to the powerful suction of the machine and to and fro movement of the cannula, fat is broken down into small pieces and is sucked out into the jar attached to the machine in liquid form.

Step One : Consultation

During the consultation with Dr. Kumar, the patient will have detailed discussion regarding the surgery. The patient is assessed for general medical fitness for surgery. There will be a thorough discussion with the patient regarding the areas of the body to be liposuctioned. One can see the representative clinical pictures of patients (see gallery section) to get satisfied about the surgery and its results. One should come to the consultation with full records/details of any drug allergies, medical treatments and previous surgeries.

Routine diagnostic blood tests are done to assess the fitness level for anaesthesia & surgery. Dr. Kumar will assess the type of skin, its elasticity, tone & whether this surgery is the best option for you or some other procedure which will give u the best results. A consent form along with detailed preoperative instructions is given to the patient.

Step Two : Surgery

You report at the hospital on the morning of your surgery. Before taking you inside operation room, the part to be liposuctioned will be marked while the patient is standing in an upright posture. This helps in getting the right shape. Operation is under general or local anaesthesia or a combination of two and it is pain free.

Step Three : After Surgery

After surgery there will be a compression garment on the operated part. You can drink water after 4 hours and have some snacks afterwards if you had general anaesthesia and sooner in case of local anaesthesia. You walk and have normal dinner on same evening.

Step Four : Recovery

You will be able to do routine household work & activities from 2nd day onwards and resume office work from the 4th day onwards. The patient is usually totally fit in a week's time. Dr. Kumar will monitor your progress & decide whether any additional procedure is needed for the desired looks.