Facial Rejuvenation

Although aging is a biological process, there are certain factors that can accelerate it. These factors are: sunlight, tanning beds, smoking, improper use of makeup and dehydration of the skin. Fortunately, a plastic surgeon can help.

Facial aging is found in three forms:

  • Skin and muscle sagging
  • Loss of elasticity in the skin
  • Thinning of the skin caused by lack of subcutaneous fat

All these aging symptoms cannot be solved with just one procedure. But a facelift is the most common procedure for a collapsed tissue. Deep wrinkles, creases, and groves found on the face and neck can thus be eliminated easily.

The resurfacing method is the chosen procedure when dealing with shallow wrinkles, brown spots, sun damage, acne scars and damage caused by smoking. The laser or a buffered chemical peel is used for the procedure.

Lipo-structure is a procedure in which your own fat is transplanted into areas where thinning has occurred. Thinning is normally found under the eyes, on the cheeks, and the upper and lower lips.

Modern Methods of Resurfacing

Wrinkles and loss of elasticity found especially around the eyes and mouth leave the skin with a dull and unhealthy appearance. There are several resurfacing methods to correct this form of skin damage: laser, mechanical dermabrasion or chemical peeling.

The best approach is to treat the whole face. Deep peelings used only on crow's feet or wrinkles on the upper lip, often result in a colour difference with the untreated part of the face.

Harmonious Facial Rejuvenation

This procedure is a combination of a facelift, Chemical Peeling and lipo-filling.

Most of these procedures can be combined in one session. A skin rejuvenation treatment can be followed up in a second phase, following a deep facelift. Lipo-filling combines perfectly with either a facelift or Chemical Peeling.

Stretch Marks

Stretch marks are a result of tears in the inner layers of the skin. In fact they are made up of internal scar tissue, covered by attenuated epidermis. It lacks hair follicles, sweat glands and sebum glands. Stretch marks appear as streaks of a few millimetres wide, deep purple initially. As they mature they assume a whitish colour. They cause a disfiguringly irregular and flabby aspect of the affected skin areas.

The following conditions may underlay the problem:

  • Pregnancy, in particular when associated with excessive weight gain.
  • Rapid weight gain, particularly during puberty.
  • Conditions that lead to hormonal abnormalities.

The most affected areas are the tummy, breasts, hips and thighs and even upper arms.


Initially, stretch marks are a pinkish-purple. At this early stage, treatment consists of daily massage with a special body oil and repeated micro-dermabrasion. This makes the attenuated epidermis to heal in more effectively. As a result stretch marks heal in and become much less noticeable.

Micro-dermabrasion safely improves the epidermal structure and the condition of the deeper dermis. It is a medical "sand blasting" technique whereby microscopic particles abrade the treated skin. In the process of microscopic penetration and biological restitution, it stimulates the formation of new collagen and elastin. This is needed to help the healing and results in smoother skin. For the best result, micro-dermabrasion needs to be regularly repeated in 6 to 10 sessions.

Once mature and white, stretch marks respond to a far lesser extent to this treatment. At this stage, if they are still disturbing, the best alternative is to resect the affected skin by means of body contouring surgery.

Acne & Scars

Scars are the result of injury to the skin, either by trauma or it could be iatrogenic (as a result of some surgical intervention). It could be a result of improper wound management or an inherent healing response of the body.

The management requires an assessment by an expert plastic surgeon (often referred to as the "wound Healers") who can assess the skin for the development of scars and take appropriate measures to make them as inconspicuous as possible.

The scars are of varied types and categories :

Post – Traumatic Scars

These are the most common scars which can be prevented or made as subtle as possible. Due care and operative techniques can make the final result aesthetically more pleasing as compared to that given by any ordinary doctor. It should be emphasized here that the best results are possible at primary repair during the trauma and all the secondary procedures are complex corrective measures for the faults of the primary repair.The patients should be aware and insist on demanding the repair to be done by a qualified skilled Plastic Surgeon. It is worthwhile to mention that it is wise and desirable to insist and invest for a superior result rather than getting an avoidable and unpleasant scar with deformities. It would lead to investing heavily in complex secondary procedures to get a satisfactory result, adding to the expenses and psychological trauma of the patients. This becomes even more important if the affected patient is a young female/male or children and adolescents with trauma over face, exposed parts of the body like hands, forearms, arms or legs.Mere suturing of the wound without the knowledge of intricacies involved in wound healing brings about the poor results. Be aware and insist on the repair to be done by a qualified skilled plastic surgeon on the day of injury for better healing and cosmetically superior results.

Acne Scars

Acne is the most common skin complaint of the adolescent and the young aged males and females, as a result of hormonal changes during this period of life. The scars are results of the acne healing on its own or of a self-inflicted injury, in a temptation to get rid of the acne at the earliest. The scar may look cosmetically more disturbing to the patient and add to their distress. There are certain medication regimes which could improve the acne appearance if they are subtle but severe and deep scars may require a surgical intervention.

Hypertrophic Scar or Keloids

These scars are the results of severe or deep wounds with abnormal wound healing tendency. These scars are ugly looking, can be painful, with severe itching and may grow in size with time.

Depending on the patient and their requirements, the various treatment options for such scars are:

  • Surgical
  • Silicone Sheets
  • Gels
  • Steroid Injections
  • Lasers

Ear Repair

Jewellery has long been a traditional part of the Indian culture especially among the females. Large sized ear jewellery is worn as part of traditions, celebrations, fashion and even as a part of the daily routine. Besides the ear-lobes, various ear parts are being pierced which get torn due to heavy ornaments or the holes become larger and are unable to hold the jewellery. This may result in an accidental fall or loss of expensive jewellery.

For young mothers, traumatic tear of the ear lobe could be caused by infants or children while in their lap or during play.

What is Torn?

It is usually the soft lobule of the ear which lacks any cartilage frame-work which gets torn due to the weight of hanging jewellery. Even the ear margins can get torn due to heavy and sharp wired jewellery through the cartilage frame-work, resulting in poor cosmetic appearance and continuous attempts by the affected female to hide it.

How to prevent Torn?

It can be prevented by opting for lighter studs on a daily basis and wearing heavier jewellery for as short durations as possible or avoid its use altogether.

Also, be careful while playing with children and wear shorter ear jewellery while handling them.

Treatment Options:

  • Straight Line Repair: A layered straight-line repair can be done on a day care basis under L.A with painless technique. The beauty of the repair lies in the cosmetic appearance of the repair with no suture-marks after the repair. The sutures are removed within 5 days and patient can go to their work on the day of surgery if desired.
  • Pardue Flap: It is a technique for recreating the hole for the jewellery at the time of closure of the ear lobe tear.

Anti-Wrinkle Treatment

Coming Soon..

Lip Augmentation

Coming Soon..

FAQ's Regarding Stretch Marks

Stretch marks are a result of tears in the inner layers of the skin. In fact they are made up of internal scar tissue, covered by attenuated epidermis. It lacks hair follicles, sweat glands and sebum glands. Stretch marks appear as streaks of a few millimeters wide, deep purple initially. As they mature they assume a whitish color. They cause a disfiguringly irregular and flabby aspect of the affected skin areas.
It most commonly occurs as a consequence of the following: Pregnancy, rapid weight gain, particularly during puberty and hormonal abnormalities.The most affected areas are the tummy, breasts, hips and thighs and even upper arms.
In the beginning stretch marks are pinkish in appearence At this stage, treatment consists of daily massage with suitable body oils and micro-dermabrasion which has to be repeated at interval. This makes the upper layers of skin to heal more effectively. As a result it heals and becomes less noticeable.Once the stretch mark is mature and appears white, it responds to a far lesser extend to this treatment.If it is still embarrassing to the individual or hinders in wearing certain outfits –the best alternative is to excise the affected skin by means of surgery.
The duration of surgery depends on the no. of stretch marks and their width and extent. It usually takes 2-3 hours for the procedure depending on the above factors. It is usually performed under regional /local anaesthesia depending upon the extent of stretch marks to be removed.
It is a day care procedure and the patient can return back home the same day . Only in cases where large stretch marks are removed it is advisable to stay for one day & go home the next day.
One can resume his daily activities the same day and resume light work from 5th day onwards. It is advisable to avoid heavy work/weight lifting for 4-6 months to avoid recurrence.
It is a relatively safe procedure and complications are minimal in the expert hands of a plastic surgeon.
A bad scar is a result of a wound which has not been treated appropriately at the time of its primary treatment in the form of thorough washing of the wound , tattooing of the debris,infection and inappropriate suture techniques.
The best way is to get the primary treatment at a place where a qualified surgeon is available for the treatment as the first chance of repair is the best option for a favourable result.
A bad scar is first assessed and treated according to the site of its location and considering various other factors . You will be thoroughly examined and the available options would be discussed with you suiting your scar.