Male Gynaecomastia

Male Gynaecomastia

Large breasts in men are a common problem. It is estimated that 1/3rd of the male population experiences this problem at some stage of life. Usually, during pubertal growth and the young adult stage, one develops gynaecomastia. This obviously can become distressing, playing with the psyche of the affected individual and can become a source of embarrassment. At times, this is due to certain medication drugs or some transient hormonal imbalances, which trigger the development of breast tissue which does not always revert back on stopping the medication.

The Surgery

In majority of the patients- a surgical procedure of excision of gland either alone or combined with a lipo-sculpture is the preferred treatment. The procedure can be done under general anaesthesia or intravenous sedation if the involved area is smaller.

A Brief Outline of the Procedure

Male Gynaecomastia
Large breasts in men are a common problem. It is estimated that 1/3rd of the male population experiences this problem at some stage of life. Usually, during pubertal growth and the young adult stage, one develops gynaecomastia. This obviously can become distressing, playing with the psyche of the affected individual and can become a source of embarrassment. At times, this is due to certain medication drugs or some transient hormonal imbalances, which trigger the development of breast tissue which does not always revert back on stopping the medication.
   The Surgery
In majority of the patients- a surgical procedure of excision of gland either alone or combined with a lipo-sculpture is the preferred treatment. The procedure can be done under general anaesthesia or intravenous sedation if the involved area is smaller.
   A Brief Outline of the Procedure
» Anaesthesia : General / Local
» Duration of Surgery : 2-4 hours
» Stitches : Self absorbable/ Staples – removable in 1 week
» Hospital Duration : Same day discharge
» Recovery Time : Walking and light meal same day
» Daily Routine : Combing hair,dressing, eating: On the next day of surgery
» Daily Household Work : Light household work : After 1 week
» Light Activities : Morning walk: After 2nd  week
Heavy work like Weight lifting etc: 3-4 months onwards
» How is it Done : Simply speaking – a semi-circular incision is made at the areola junction to make it inconspicuous. The areola skin is lifted up from the underlying breast and excess of fibrosed/glandular breast tissue is removed from the planned areas. This procedure can be combined with the liposuction procedure depending upon the case requirement for optimal results.

Planning Your Surgery - Thorough Approach

Step One : Consultation

The first interaction with Dr. Kumar will be a detailed discussion explaining the procedures, your requirements and deciding the best possible procedure which would benefit you. It would include a thorough assessment of your skin quality, amount of excess breast tissue, its type –whether glandular or fibrous tissue and areas of extent. Remember a good result depends on the best possible procedure for that individual considering his/her parameters and not a generalized approach for all the patients.

You will be best advised and explained regarding the current status and the possible options which could benefit you from the surgery. One can see the representative clinical pictures of satisfied patients before deciding on a procedure. One should be well prepared with the medical history (if any) at the time of consultation. This would include any information about medical conditions, drug allergies, medical treatments received, previous surgeries. Depending upon the individual, one can consider combining a lipo-sculpture along with surgical removal of excess breast tissue for optimal results. Routine diagnostic tests will be ordered.

Step Two : Preoperative Evaluation

Once the decision to undergo surgery has been taken, the patient is assessed for fitness for anaesthesia & surgery. Dr. Kumar will examine the chest, its measurements and clinical photographs for the medical record. The skin quality, amount of excess breast tissue will be noted. The consent forms along with detailed preoperative instructions would be given.

Step Three : Surgery

The patient has to report to the hospital on the day of surgery. The chest markings would be done in standing position before going to the operating room for better judgement of desired shape. The operation will be performed under general anaesthesia and would be pain free.

Step Four : After Surgery

The patient is fully conscious soon after the surgery and padded dressings are given over the operated site. The patient is usually discharged on the same day.

Step Five : Recovery

Small dressings would be there for around 7 days. Normal walking, eating and routine household activities can be started the next day. Light work can be resumed within a week's time and by the 2nd week; the patient is normal and can resume his normal activities. The results can be appreciated after four weeks.

Thigh Lift

Individuals who undergo significant weight loss sometimes experience loose, hanging, extra skin around the thighs and buttocks due to loss of skin elasticity. The result is an embarrassing attempt to cover the thighs and hindrance in wearing certain clothes of one's choice. It may hamper daily activities like bathing, squatting and maintaining personal hygiene.

Many individuals who have lost a large amount of weight may experience loose, sagging, excess skin around their thighs, hips and buttocks. This skin has lost what is known as elasticity. As a result, the skin is stretched and hangs. Sometimes, this extra, loose and flabby skin in the thighs can cause quite a bit of discomfort. It rubs when the person is walking. It can make finding clothing that fits comfortably very hard. It can even make bathing and personal hygiene difficult. And, physically it detracts from the natural shape of the thigh area. After working so hard through a diet or exercise-or perhaps after undergoing gastric bypass surgery for weight loss- it can be discouraging to look in the mirror and see all of that loose, excess, flabby or dimpled skin around the thighs and buttocks.

The Procedure

A thigh lift at our center is performed with general anaesthesia. The procedure involves small incisions in the inner thigh and groin area. The plastic surgeon will carefully determine where to make these incisions to minimize scar visibility when you are wearing a wide variety of clothing and to meet your personal desires. In some instances, a thigh lift also involves the area around the outer thigh and the buttocks. In these cases, the incisions are somewhat longer and may extend from the buttocks over to the abdomen and to the groin. During your pre-surgery consultation, your plastic surgeon will determine which type of thigh lift procedure will be best for you and just where the incisions will be made.

In both types of thigh lift–inner or those extending to the outer thighs and buttocks, excess skin tissue will be removed and the remaining skin will be stretched and repositioned creating a smoother and firmer contour.


Immediately following your thigh lift, you will wear a supportive garment that will help compress the surgical area. This is very similar to an elastic girdle and will help reduce swelling and help the skin around the surgical area return to its natural tightness. Inner thigh lifts usually can be done on an out-patient basis while thigh lifts that involve the outer thighs and buttocks may require a brief hospital stay- usually just a day or so. Any discomfort that you may feel can be controlled by medications prescribed by your plastic surgeon.

Within several weeks, you'll notice the swelling and bruising disappearing. In most cases, within five or six weeks, thigh-lift patients can resume most normal activities including exercise. In four to six months you'll see the final results of your thigh lift with a smoother, tighter contour and more attractive appearance to your thighs. Keep in mind that each person heals at a different rate.

Potential Risks and Complications

All surgery carries with it some risks, but in general, thigh lift surgery is a safe and effective solution to eliminating loose and sagging skin. In the rare event of an infection or adverse reaction to anaesthesia, your plastic surgeon can prescribe effective medications to control these situations. It is important to follow your plastic surgeon's directions about taking prescribed medications, caring for the incision area and changing any bandages. Be sure to ask them any questions you may have regarding the recuperation process.

Buttock Lift

The Buttock lift popularly called the "Brazilian Butt" lift is a buttock augmentation procedure which adds fullness to almost any shape of buttock to create the desired look. The results are youthful, prominent, perky buttocks and a more sensual body profile. A buttock lift procedure can help men and women look more attractive and feel more comfortable. Imagine- how nice it would be to have the confidence to wear the types of clothing and swim wear one has avoided for so long because one is self-conscious about the shape of the buttocks. By tightening and toning that excess skin in the buttocks, one would feel more comfortable and high in confidence in their daily activities.

Fat Injection

Fat cells can be harvested from your own body and injected as a filler to smoothen wrinkles and other problem areas. Known as autologous fat transplantation or micro-lipo injection, fat cells are removed from the abdomen, thighs, or buttocks and transferred to the problem areas of the face or elsewhere.


The fat cells are removed using a small cannula, are then carefully prepared and injected using a small needle into an area of wrinkling or hollowness. Because these cells are your own, they will not be rejected. Although some resorption is possible, fat grafts last longer than most fillers and produce beautiful results.


The procedure is performed with local anaesthesia and takes30 minutes to two hours. Recovery time is rapid and most people are able to return to work on the day following the procedure. Results are visible immediately.